More Information
TOTAL 6 units
* All registered in one Pty Ltd Entity No VAT or Transfer Duties will apply
* All units are selling together Thus shareholding of property owning company is for sale
* New owner can sell individual units should they choose so
Land size 2 705m , with entrances from east and western side of erf
* Building 1, has direct street access from within building
*** standard workshop with office, kitchenette, ablution and service/delivery bay
*** Size 286m
* Building 2
*** standard workship with office space and ablution facilities
*** Size 230m
* Building 3
*** Workshop with office area, with reception, manager s office, kitchenette, ablution, cantina
*** Workshop 508m , total building 580m
* Building 4
*** Standard workshop with separate office and ablutions
*** 293m
* Building 5
*** Standard workshop with office and ablutions
* Building 6
*** Office block, workshop, ablutions and kitchen
*** 226m
Minor improvements
* Whole yard is paved
* 2 x Separate staff ablutions
* Wash Bay
* Parking area
* Brick walls
* 2 x Street Access Doors/Gates